Sea Salt Caramel Banana Muffins

And so the banana baking trend continues on CATC! Since the banana bread was such a big hit last week, I stocked up on the ingredients again and was all ready to make a repeat. THEN I remembered that I had delicious hand-made sea salt caramel sugar from a boutique spice shop in Ocean City, Maryland… let the recipe transformation begin!




It makes sense that the bigger the variety of ingredients in my cabinets directly relates to the creativity of my recipes. Sure, there’s nothing wrong with plain banana bread or banana muffins – but adding in something a little different can definitely give your yield something extra special. You can definitely find that in this recipe!


Classy Cookbook Logo

Sea Salt Caramel Banana Muffins

Prep Time: 10 Minutes     Cook Time: 30 Minutes     Total Time: 40 Minutes

Let’s Get Started:

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
Pinch of salt
1 egg
3 very ripe bananas, mashed
1/3 cup butter
3/4 cup white sugar
Sea salt caramel sugar

Let’s Get Cooking:

Preheat oven to 350*. Fill cupcake tins with liners. Sift dry ingredients together, except the sugars. In a large bowl mix together egg, white sugar, bananas and butter. Combine ingredients until smooth. Scoop into muffin pans and then add sea salt caramel sugar to the top (to taste – add as much as you want). Bake for 25-30 minutes. Enjoy!

Let’s Get Creative:

If I’m being totally real with you, these muffins are delicious just the way they are. If you’re looking to add more ingredients however, walnuts would be a yummy addition!

Stay Classy! xx

Rethink Sweet With Cake Boss & Whole Earth Sweetener Co.

If you’ve been following along with me on Instagram (@felicia.czo and @theclassycookbook), then you saw that a few weeks ago I was at the Cake Boss Factory in Jersey City, decorating cookies with Buddy Valastro!


It has been SO hard to not spill the beans (or sprinkles) about what that was all about until now, but Buddy has just started a brand new partnership moving his brand and his bakery in a healthier direction!


I was invited to an event where I learned all about his partnership with Whole Earth Sweetener, Co., and had the chance to tour his cake factory. Before I get into the details of what exactly this means for his brand and for us as lovers of homemade pastries and sweets, I have to describe how cool the afternoon was.


The Cake Boss Factory is where all of Buddy’s cakes and pastries are created. Everything from wedding cakes to cannoli shells are made in the factory and then shipped out to the bakeries and events throughout the country. Often times the products will arrive to the bakeries in need of fillings, and that is made fresh each day.

Each room of the factory is incredibly intimate and chefs work closely together to fill their quota of delicious goods. Think long wooden tables and lots and lots of dough… and it smelled AMAZING! I went into the decoration room and saw an employee spray painting gorgeous sugar flowers and another creating an adorable fondant sports car. It is truly a home to edible art.


After the tour, I went back into the main “conference room” which had been transformed from an Italian dessert-lover’s brunch to a mini decorating room. It wasn’t long before Buddy came in and started to share his tips for decorating ginger bread cookies (I know I know, it is WAY too soon for this! Which is why I’ll be sharing this yummy recipe with you guys later on next month! x)


But the surprise was that they had been baked with Whole Earth Sweetener, Co. Baking Blend – a natural sweetener made from monk fruit and stevia, which has half the calories of regular sugar. Yes, actually half of the calories!


Buddy is partnering with the brand to promote awareness that helps bakers “rethink sweet.” He explained that as the “father of four, I’m always looking for ways to reduce the amount of added sugar that my family consumes, since there’s no way to cut out dessert!” Doing this with the help of Whole Earth Sweetener Co.’s range of super low calorie sweeteners is an awesome way to start, because you can still get your sugar fix with less consequences on your health.


This partnership comes in perfect timing, as the FDA is actually establishing a Daily Recommended Value of added sugars to 50 grams. Consumers are starting to look at the ingredients in their food and how to eat well (with flavor) without unnecessary added sugars. The Whole Earth Sweetener Co. range is low in calories, gluten-free, non-GMO and sourced from nature.


As far as the delicious (and cute) ginger bread cookie recipe goes, it is indeed baked with the Whole Earth Sweetner Co.’s Baking Blend. Stay tuned for the full recipe as it gets closer to the holiday season! x

Stay Classy! xx


Back To School Series ’16/’17: My Top Three Favorite Protein Supplements for Women

Back to school season is practically a month long (and warmer) New Year’s Day. You’re super psyched about getting back into a routine of fabulous friends, learning, socializing and figuring out your place in this world – emphasis on the last one! Going into a new school year is an awesome time to get re-motivated and achieve those New Year’s Resolutions you made way back in January, followed for a little while, and then continued living life without the added pressure to be better at whatever it is you’ve chosen. My goal the last few years has been to live a happier and healthier lifestyle, and I’m pretty proud of how far I’ve come – especially these past few months.

During my fitness and wellness journey something I rarely came across on the market were protein supplements for women and girls. Most websites market protein supplements solely to men and occasionally to a co-ed consumer base. Some proteins specifically made for women focus on helping a women become sexy instead of strong, while most of the females consuming protein shakes are dedicated to working out and pushing their limits. Marketing issues aside, what really matters is what the protein is made out of and the impact it will have on your body.

Protein supplements are most frequently made from soy or whey. A recent review article in “Frontiers and Bioscience” found that consuming soy protein and soy products can decrease cholesterol levels in women. The same review article reports that soy consumption can actually relieve symptoms of menopause and osteoporosis. And like most proteins, soy-based protein aids in muscle recovery and maintenance. It is an awesome protein option for vegetarians and vegans!

I personally prefer using whey protein for my post-workout or breakfast shake. According to a study published in Nutrition and Metabolism, people who consumed whey protein supplements “lost significantly more body fat and showed a greater preservation of lean muscle.” I have seen these results while using whey protein supplements in my own daily routine, using just 1-2 scoops a day. Whey protein is also known to lower blood pressure, cholesterol and risk for cardiovascular disease.

Here are my top three favorite protein supplements for women:


1. Greek Girl Beauty Protein

You’ve totally seen this protein included in many of my smoothie recipes – and it is for a good reason! This honey-vanilla blend is whey-based and made specifically with women in mind. In addition to providing a great protein supplement, it includes all of the essential vitamins and minerals that your diet needs to strengthen your hair and nails – in addition to your muscles! Plus, two scoops added to 8 oz. of water is just 50 calories. It retails for $52.99 and can be purchased here.

2.  Designer Whey Gourmet Chocolate Protein

If you have a sweet tooth like me and crave chocolate once in a while, this delicious and efficient protein would be a great addition to your pantry! I love mixing it in a shaker bottle with coconut water or almond milk. If I have a bit more time I’ll mix it with banana and almond milk to make a yummy protein smoothie! A 2 lb container retails for $50 (but it’s currently on sale for $25!) and you can purchase it here.

3. Iconic Protein

When your workout schedule only allows you to workout at 6 a.m. 5 days a week, every post-workout minute becomes essential to help you look presentable while also making it to work on time. When I’m running a bit late in the morning and don’t have enough time to mix up a delicious protein drink, grabbing one of these shakes makes my life SO much easier. In addition to being convenient, this protein is also grass-fed and includes natural and organic ingredients. A variety 12-pack retails for $45.99 and you can buy it here.

Stay Classy! xx

Pretty In Pink Recharge Smoothie

There are some days when I just can’t seem to get myself motivated. I’ll have a list of exactly what I need to do, but somehow manage to keep procrastinating until enough time has passed that there’s no way I will finish everything in time. This is totally unproductive and a bad habit that I’m trying to break! I’ve noticed that more times than not, this laziness occurs on days where I’m exhausted either physically or mentally. I created this smoothie to recharge my physical energy levels by feeding my muscles some extra protein and also my mental energy with a variety of berries, fruits and hydrating coconut water. xx


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Pretty In Pink Recharge Smoothie

Prep Time: 5 Minutes        Cook Time: 1 Minute        Total Time: 6 Minutes

Let’s Get Started:

8 strawberries
13 raspberries
½ an apple
½ a banana
½ a cucumber
a handful of blueberries
1-2 scoops of Greek Girl Beauty Protein (optional)
¼ cup soy milk
¼ cup coconut water
a handful of dried coconut

Let’s Get Cooking:

Blend fruit, protein and liquids with a few ice cubes. When desired thickness, pour into glass and garnish with coconut. Enjoy!

Let’s Get Creative:

The more fruit you add, the better! 😉

Stay Classy! xx

Classic PB&J Muffins

I’ve been feeling under-the-weather the last few days – how did I manage to catch a virus while on vacation?! – and have been eating really plain. I was looking for a sweet snack that was also healthy and decided nothing could be more versatile than muffins.


These PB&J Muffins remind me of the PB&J obsession most people go through when they’re younger, only to come back to it years later when they’re trying to “adult” and end up making PB&J sandwiches for lunch most days due to time constraints. The muffins are great for a snack or with breakfast (or if you’re really trying to tempt me, with a scoop of ice cream for dessert).


This month I’ve promised myself to eat the most natural meals possible. I am cutting all processed sweets and junk food out of my diet and have kick-started the last few weeks I have left of the BBG program complemented with Yoga classes and cardio. Working out this much makes me hungry literally ALL the time – so the last few days have been awesome when I can grab a homemade muffin as a snack and know it isn’t a cheat treat! xx


Classy Cookbook Logo

Classic PB&J Muffins

Prep Time: 15 Minutes     Cook Time: 20 Minutes     Total Time: 35 Minutes

Let’s Get Started:

1 ¾ cup all-purpose flour
¼ cup granulated sugar
¼ cup packed dark brown sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
1 ¼ cups fat-free milk
1/3 cup creamy peanut butter
1 egg (or ¼ cup egg substitute)
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ cup jelly (any flavor)

Let’s Get Cooking:

Preheat oven to 400*. Combine flour, sugars, baking powder and salt in a large bowl. Stir with a whisk.

Make a well in the center of the mixture. Combine milk and next 4 ingredients (through vanilla); add to flour mixture, stirring just until moist.

Spoon batter into 12 muffin cups. (I was able to make 18 by making them a bit smaller.) Fill each cup half full with batter. Spoon ½-1 teaspoon jelly into each cup. Spoon remaining batter on top to cover jelly.

Bake at 400* for 20 minutes or until muffins become golden. Let cool and enjoy!

Let’s Get Creative:

These muffins feature the classic ingredient pair and are delicious because of it. You can of course shake things up a bit by adding some other delicious ingredients, like Nutella and marshmallow fluff – but the original recipe will definitely be the healthiest!

Speaking of healthy, you can substitute ¾ cup all-purpose flour for ¾ cup whole wheat flour. You can also substitute 1 egg for ¼ cup egg substitute.

Stay Classy & Enjoy! xx


Two Keys To A Successful Workout (Learned The Hard Way)

It has reached the point where every time I’m doing mountain climbers less than classy words slip out of my mouth and onto my old, overused yoga mat. It’s time for a new one, I know. This mat has been through a lot and it’s time to part ways. I’ve been reluctantly hunting for a new one – if anyone has brand suggestions I’d gladly look into them – but part of me is too attached and willing to forsake blisters for the comfort of my old mat.


I’ve been able to solve the problem short-term by using my new super-comfy sport socks from No Nonsense while doing yoga and BBG on my mat. The socks have not only been a lifesaver at saving my poor feet from the harshness of my old mat but they’ve also helped me keep from slipping while exercising. I wore them the other day playing my first 18-hole round of golf– in 95*F Maryland heat mind you – and I can say that the only part of my body that wasn’t sore afterwards were my feet! The socks are cute, soft, cushioned and sweat-resistant – basically, they feel good, they look good and if you workout a lot you should definitely check them out! Comfort in your active wear is definitely of #1 importance in order to have a productive – and painless – workout!


— Update: Since writing the original draft of this post, I finally purchased another mat. It’s purple, from Gaiam and looked way to comfortable to pass up. (This should be key 1.5 – replace workout equipment as needed… don’t go through unnecessarily painful workouts for no reason due to old equipment!) I’m sure you’ll see it in some future posts! My old mat (above) has been demoted to my outdoor mat and I’ve actually really loved working out under the sky and trees in my backyard this past week! —

Anyway! As I’m sure you’ve noticed, we’ve been inundated with a heat wave for the past week and a half. There are some mornings where I wake up and find myself unable to scrounge up the energy to work out and then realize that I’m just too dehydrated. This brings me to my second key to a successful workout – and it’s nothing new! Staying hydrated 24/7 is so important. It impacts everything from your energy levels to your metabolism to your body’s oxygen intake to your mood… I’ve since made a point of keeping a water bottle with me on times! When my reusable water bottle is in the dish washer, I’ll alternate between the new SmartWater Sparkling – which is great for digestion – and Alkaline 8.8 Water.


The latter is something that I’ve only recently heard of and tried out, but it is one of those trends that works SO well that I quickly became obsessed with it. Not only did it make me super hydrated but it also gave me a clean feeling in my gut – the only thing I can compare it to is the way I feel after a successful meditation, except the Alkaline PH actually negates the acidity in your body, whereas meditation negates the acid negativity in your mind! It gave me a heightened sense of clarity about what was in the food I was putting into my body and made me more conscious about staying hydrated. A combination of this, the comfiest workout socks ever (seriously, good socks really do make a difference in your workout) and my new mat have created some pretty fire workouts this past week!

Stay Classy & Healthy! xx

P.S. Shout out to everyone who has been e-mailing me wellness and lifestyle topics that they want me to cover in the next week! I appreciate the comments and will be sure to post ASAP 🙂

Be The Best Version of You #liveLIVELY

These past few months I’ve become way more active and appreciative of the wonderful natural activities (and food!) that the world has to offer. Even if it is just going for a quick walk in the park, working out in my my apartment or taking a pilates class I have put in a conscious effort to increase the physical activity in my life because I’ve realized that it is directly connected to me being the best and happiest version of myself. This being said, as most workout fanatics can relate to, it doesn’t take much to convince me to wear my workout clothes all day – to make sure that I get my workout in at night if my morning is too busy. This passion for being active has also been coupled with a heightened interest and understanding of fashion, which I gained through the Fashion and Philosophy classes I took while in London. My new dilemma became the need to find an active-inspired brand that was both comfortable and fashionable – this is where LIVELY stepped in.


When they first reached out to my about doing a partnership I was unsure of what their philosophy was. They claimed to be an athleisure brand that blurred the lines of lingerie, activewear and swim creating their own term “Leisuree.” After doing a bit of research I began to understand what the brand stood for and who it means to cater to, and I fell in love with it. LIVELY is a brand that is inspired by what makes women sexy – being smart, healthy, active and outgoing. It aspires to inspire and empower women to live life doing what they love, with the people they love. This is definitely something I can get behind.


The brand just launched a few months ago, but it already has awesome products on the market made from the highest quality materials. LIVELY owns its own factory and is able to control the entire process of making their garments, which ensures the quality of the pieces and good conditions of the workers. I love the Birds of Paradise T-Shirt Bra and the Geo-Lace Bralette which is perfect to wear with comfy loungewear or while doing yoga.

Being active makes my quality of life better because I am happier, healthier and more confident. Having a go-to outfit that makes me look great and feel comfortable in, both while working out and relaxing, is something that makes my day easier and contributes to my confidence. It is taking note of little details like this that will help you change your quality of life as well, and when you start to act on them, you will be on your way to being the best version of yourself you can be!

Stay Classy & #liveLIVELY! xx


Coconut Carrot Soup


Ever since getting my workout schedule in order I’ve been more inclined to make healthier eating choices. Of course, whenever I am traveling I make sure to spoil myself and order the dishes that look incredible and are a part of the city’s culture, but otherwise I try my best to stay in and cook for myself when I am in London.

Eating healthier has definitely had a huge impact on other aspects of my life. Cutting out most processed foods and sugars enables me to focus better on my work while simultaneously giving me more energy for my workouts and exploring the city. Making these healthy choices also encourages me to drink less alcohol – because if I am not eating my calories, I most certainly don’t want to drink them! The BBG Community has given me tons of meal inspiration and I love trying my own takes on their recipes.

This soup was the first that I’ve made totally from scratch and I was pretty proud of how it turned out! I adapted the recipe from “The Juice Goddess” Dr. Etti’s book Sexi Juicing, and added my own modifications because, unfortunately, I do not have a blender here! I’m excited to bring this book back to NYC with me so I can try some of her awesome juice cleanse recipes though!

Especially if you enjoy the flavors of coconut and carrots (yes, they do go together!), you will fall in love with this soup!


Let’s Get Started:

2 Tablespoons olive oil or extra virgin coconut oil
1 Onion chopped
2 Pounds of carrots, peeled and chopped into ½ inch chunks
14 ounce can of coconut milk
½ Teaspoon of Himalayan salt
½ Cup of water or enough to cover all ingredients
1 Lemon or lime

Let’s Get Cookin’:

In a large to medium soup pan over medium-high heat add the olive or coconut oil and onions. Stir until the onions are well-coated and allow to sauté until translucent for a few minutes. Stir in the carrots. Allow to cook another minute or two and then add the coconut milk, salt and water. Allow to simmer until the carrots are tender, 10 to 15 minutes, then puree using a blender until the soup is completely smooth. (I skipped this step because I didn’t have a blender and it was still delicious! I’m sure it would be thicker and a beautiful vibrant orange color if blended, though…)

Let’s Get Creative:

Squeeze the lemon or lime juice over the finished soup. Top with crunchy toasted almonds and kale. I added a few mozzarella and basil tortellini to my soup and they tasted fantastic!

Stay Classy & Enjoy! xx

B2S Series ’15/’16: How To Revamp Your Fitness Routine

Workout procrastinators rejoice! Believe me, I know how it feels. You really really wanted to get into shape before going back to school. In fact you had it all planned out, workout routines, new gym clothes, bright sneakers… now where did the summer go?



Fortunately I was able to interview NYC-based fitness expert, personal trainer and nutritionist, Franci Cohen (you may have already seen her featured in SHAPE and Women’s Health!) to find out the best way to get into shape despite a super busy collegiate schedule.

  1. If you’re restricted on time, what are the most effective exercises that you should focus on?

“Cardio and core! Cardio is the best way to burn calories, increase metabolic function, and the core is the trunk of your body. Strengthen your base and everything else                                                      becomes stronger as well.”

  1. How can one boost his or her immune system during the colder months?

“ Sleep! Lack of sleep compromises immunity greatly, and if often overlooked as an imperative part of one’s health and immunity during the winter season.

Fluids! Constant replenishing of fluids forces invading pathogens or bugs out of the body before they can attack your immune system.

Vitamin C! This is always my go-to for an immune boost. The trick is to take it in divided doses. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, which means that it does not get stored in the body, so it must constantly be replenished. Basically, several 180mg pills taken throughout the day will definitely keep colds and flu away!”

  1. When is the best time to workout?

“Mornings are best! The post exercise endorphin rush sets the “happy” tone for the day. Exercising at night often interrupts circadian sleep rhythms.”

  1. What are some of the biggest nutrition and fitness myths people might believe?

“The biggest myths are that eating less will help you lose more! And exercising more, overtraining, will get you stronger and help build healthier muscles. Both are so far from the truth.”

  1. What are your tips for people trying to stay motivated to continue their fitness/diet routines?

“Don’t kill yourself and get depressed if you skip a day of exercise or stray from your healthy eating habits on occasion. One bad day is not going to make or break you!

Find a fitness buddy, this will keep you motivated and will keep you from skipping workouts when you’re feeling lazy.

Set modest short-term goals (not just the long-term ones) so you can feel gratified and accomplished more often.”

  1. How do you feel about pre-workout drinks and post-workout proteins?

“If you are exercising moderately and for a short duration (an hour or less) it really isn’t necessary or beneficial. But for more labor-intensive workouts, fueling up properly before and replenishing after can be an asset in the quest for leaner and stronger muscles, and more efficiency during future workouts.”

  1. What are some healthy (and yummy) meat and protein substitutes for vegetarians?

“Complementary proteins such as rice and lentils or other legume combos that contain complementary amino acids.

Soy products, but make sure to choose unprocessed ones that don’t contain high sodium contents).”

I guess it’s back to early bird workouts, vinyasas and runs in the Botanical Gardens for me! As soon as I’m fully recovered from wisdom teeth surgery, that is. But I can’t wait to get back into my routine and start off this school year the right way!

Stay Classy! xx

B2S Series ’15/16: Celeb. Trainer Tips To Make This Semester Your Safest One Yet


PC: 5W Public Relations

Here we go again! The back-to-school countdown has begun. High-school students are cramming in unfinished summer homework, college students are purchasing last-minute dorm essentials and textbooks, and parents are starting to stress about how they can help make this school year the best one yet for their children.

Going into my junior year is incredibly bittersweet. I’m no longer an underclassman and I have already spent the most consecutive semesters on Fordham’s gorgeous Rose Hill campus as I ever will, (I’ll be studying in London spring semester!) As an incoming Junior I’ve already mastered most of what comes along with being a college student, internship savvy friend and a basically broke, yet classy, college girl trying to make the most of life in NYC. However there are still some fears that I had going into freshman year that still come over me from time to time. Living in a not-so-safe area can make nighttime, and daytime, walks off campus stressful, especially for someone without formal self-defense training. I’m hoping that this post might help alleviate some of your fears as it did mine!

I had the pleasure of interviewing Celebrity Trainer (think Amanda Seyfried and Keri Russell!) and Self-Defense Expert, Avital Zeisler. She shared with me some self-defense tips (all of which one can perform while wearing heels!) and I’m sharing some of my favorites with you below.

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PC: 5W Public Relations

  1. What is the Soteria Method and what inspired you to create it? 

“I have personally made the decision to not let the possibility of being attacked compromise the quality of my life or femininity. This highlights the possibility of being threatened while wearing heels. The Soteria Method is an approach named after the Goddess of Safety that can contribute to confidence and survival against such a threat.”

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PC: 5W Public Relations

  1. What are some of the most efficient moves that you’d recommend to your clients who may find themselves in a threatening situation?

“First of all, remove the heels if possible. Second, try to escape, even in the heels. And third, learn how to use your heels as an improvised weapon of sorts. If worst comes to worst, these are some easy yet efficient moves that you can pull out at any time, anywhere.”

Tactic #1: Defensive Push Kick
Soteria 3 Factor Combative Theory.

  • Primary Target: Groin
  • Surface Area: Ball of Foot
  • Range of Motion: Forward Hip Thrust

Tactic #2: Palm Strike
Soteria 3 Factor Combative Theory

  • Primary Target: Nose/Chin
  • Surface Area: Heel of Palm
  • Range of Motion: Combative Twist of the Body
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    PC: 5W Public Relations

  1. What are your top 3 tips for college women to stay safe on campus?

“ 1. Trust your intuition. Learn to be mindful of the feelings and signs that your intuition may communicate to you during times of real life scenario applications, including parties and while dating.

  1. Invest time in developing Situational Awareness. This is simply being more aware of your surroundings so that you can detect when someone is off or out of place faster, and react accordingly to what has been detected around you.
  1. Create safety operational plans. These plans include the following. Always travel with a trusted friend off-campus, to parties and other events. Develop code words with these friends that could be used conversationally or over text when you feel uncomfortable in a situation. Make sure to never leave your drink unattended or go home with someone or a group that you do not know. And carry a bag with improvised weapons that you feel comfortable using, including heels or pepper spray for example, so that you are able to defend yourself if needed.”

I hope you’ve all been able to find useful tips and tricks in this post to help make this upcoming semester the safest and most awesome one yet!

Stay Classy! xx